Tatia Jibladze, enchants as Dalila with her beautiful-sounding, assertive mezzo-soprano, confidently expressive from the sharp fortissimo to the ethereal, almost sighing pianissimo. And how charming was the opera hit “mon cœur s’ouvre a ta voix”!
Das Opernglas (November 2023) , G.Helbig
Saint-Saëns’ music is decidedly sensual. And Tatia Jibladze, in the role of Dalila, lends her voice a lot of warmth and great volume, not only in the love aria but also when she asserts her position with dramatic tones; it always sounds rounded and full of emotion.
Oper! (30.10.2023), Andreas Berger
Just like Tatla Jibladze as his counterpart Dalila, whose vocal sensuality really does cover the entire emotional spectrum, from flattering euphony to cold revenge.
Orpheus - Nov/Dez 2023 , Christoph Forsthoff
Outstanding Tatia Jibladze: Unlike other mezzo-sopranos, she doesn’t overpoweringly traverse the extensive role of Dalila by singing and reciting constantly at maximum volume. Especially in the charming main aria ‘Mon cœur’, she captivates with great sensitivity and sensuality with pianissimo and language-emphasized moments […]
KN (09.10.2023) , Christian Strehk
[…] This was particularly true for the central figure, Dalila. For Tatia Jibladze, the role was a novelty, yet she interpreted it with extraordinary finesse using her richly colored mezzo-soprano voice. […] Tatia Jibladze’s portrayal of every nuance of this character earned her great applause.
NMZ (10.10.2023) , Arndt Voß

Upcoming Performances

Tatia Jibladze - mezzosoprano - Mozart - Così fan tutte - [Dorabella] - Theater Kiel - 2022 - ©Olaf Strück
